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Kitchen Conservatory offers a wide variety of cooking classes, both participation and demonstration. Please scroll our current schedule to find a delicious cooking class that is right for you. Multiple refinements can be used to find the very cooking class of your dreams. Or purchase a gift certificate for any cooking class. All cooking classes are held at Kitchen Conservatory. Bon appetit!


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As many Americans were normalizing labor saving appliances, revolutionary canned and processed food in the middle of the last century, folks in rural and Midwesterner towns still kept gardens and followed a seasonal cuisine with fresh, seasonal, and local ingredients and recipes handed down, as seen in Paul Fehribach's Midwestern Food: A Chef's Guide to the Surprising History of a Great American Cuisine. As the class discusses the book, Mickey Kitterman shares his own Midwestern food heritage with a relish tray showcasing raw vegetables, dips, spreads, pickles, and olives. Enjoy chicken-fried pork chops with piccalilli, creamed corn, Claudia Sander's breaded tomatoes, and strawberry pie.
Novel Cuisine is a culinary book club for food lovers that read the book in advance and includes novels, memoirs, histories, science and politics -- all with food as a central theme. The books for Novel Cuisine are available at Kitchen Conservatory. Come to one or as many of these classes as you like! Novel Cuisine started in our kitchen in 2006 and our readers and food lovers have discussed nearly 200 books! We love to hear from our students what books they want to read!
Classes are held at 9011 Manchester Rd, St. Louis, MO 63144.


Mickey Kitterman
Kitchen Conservatory Staff
$45 Per Person
Sun, May 19
1:00 to 3:30 PM


Curtis Chin shares his memoir of growing up in the 1980s in Detroit as a gay Chinese American finding comfort in his family's Cantonese restaurant in Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant. As the class discusses the book, they will enjoy egg rolls with dipping sauce, won ton soup, barbecue ribs, almond boneless chicken on rice, shrimp lo mein, plus almond cookies.
Novel Cuisine is a culinary book club for food lovers that read the book in advance and includes novels, memoirs, histories, science and politics -- all with food as a central theme. The books for Novel Cuisine are available at Kitchen Conservatory. Come to one or as many of these classes as you like! Novel Cuisine started in our kitchen in 2006 and our readers and food lovers have discussed nearly 200 books! We love to hear from our students what books they want to read!
Classes are held at 9011 Manchester Rd, St. Louis, MO 63144.


Kitchen Conservatory Chef
$45 Per Person
Sun, Jun 9
1:00 to 3:30 PM


Marcel Rouff pens the story of a fictionalized version of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin as an older man and his amorous relationship with an epicure and their shared passion for food in The Passionate Epicure: La Vie et la Passion de Dodin-Bouffant, Gourmet, which was made into a recent movie, The Taste of Things. As the class discusses the book, Mickey Kitterman honors Bastille Day with roquefort beurre et noix canapés, veal orloff - veal loin stuffed with onions and mushrooms and rice served with mornay sauce, celeri et poireaux braise - braised celery and leeks, plus baked Alaska.
Novel Cuisine is a culinary book club for food lovers that read the book in advance and includes novels, memoirs, histories, science and politics -- all with food as a central theme. The books for Novel Cuisine are available at Kitchen Conservatory. Come to one or as many of these classes as you like! Novel Cuisine started in our kitchen in 2006 and our readers and food lovers have discussed nearly 200 books! We love to hear from our students what books they want to read!
Classes are held at 9011 Manchester Rd, St. Louis, MO 63144.


Mickey Kitterman
Kitchen Conservatory Staff
$45 Per Person
Sun, Jul 14
1:00 to 3:30 PM


Wild, Tamed, Lost, Revived: The Surprising Story of Apples in the South is an interesting look into the history of apples in the South with unexpected details and characters by Diane Flynt, who interweaves her story as a cider maker. As the class discusses the book, they will enjoy Waldorf salad with apple cider vinegar and apple chips, pork chops with onions and apple sauce, apple pie, and apple cider.
Novel Cuisine is a culinary book club for food lovers that read the book in advance and includes novels, memoirs, histories, science and politics -- all with food as a central theme. The books for Novel Cuisine are available at Kitchen Conservatory. Come to one or as many of these classes as you like! Novel Cuisine started in our kitchen in 2006 and our readers and food lovers have discussed nearly 200 books! We love to hear from our students what books they want to read!
Classes are held at 9011 Manchester Rd, St. Louis, MO 63144.


Kitchen Conservatory Chef
$45 Per Person
Sun, Aug 11
1:00 to 3:30 PM