Please, first log in if giving a class as a gift.

Price: $60.00 Per Person
Smell and savor the intoxicating aromas of bread baking as Margi Kahn shares her joy of baking sourdough bread. Learn everything from caring for your starter, using excess starter, and making two different doughs using the overnight fermentation method to create a variety of delicious breads. This hands-on class will make classic Italian country sourdough bread, crispy herb bread sticks, light wheat bagels, plus toasted walnut and dried apricot country sourdough. Each participant will take home a jar of sourdough starter.
If this class is sold out and you would like to register for it, please call our store to be put on the waitlist.

Margi's upcoming bread classes include Bagels and Bialys - The Hole Truth on January 14, A Multitude of Cins on February 4 or February 5, and Bread Basics on the Rise on March 3 or March 4. Margi's next sourdough bread class is available on May 6 or May 7.
Wed, Jan 8, 6 pm to 9 pm

Wed, Jan 8, 6 pm to 9 pm